Climate Action
Official UN goal: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

The Danish government’s initiative ”Sammen om en grønnere fremtid” (translated: ”Together for a greener future)” says that in 2050 Denmark must be a carbon neutral country with focus on, among others, agriculture. The government will cooperate with the farming industry to ensure development of an environmental-friendly Danish agriculture with star performer status.
Danish Agriculture and Food Council’s goal towards a carbon neutral Danish food industry in 2050.
The Danish food industry must be carbon neutral in 2050. DAVA Foods will – in close cooperation with the rest of Denmark and the Danish Egg Association and in agreement with the Sustainable Development Goals – show the world that there is a financial sustainable way to have a carbon neutral food production.
- Launch new egg-based product(s) every year
- Publish material every year educating about, among others, egg’s nutritional value
- Develop meat-free recipe(s) with eggs every month for SoMe to inspire consumers