DAVA Foods Estonia
DAVA Foods (previously Eesti Munatooted) in Tallinn, was founded in 1995 and is one of the most important local egg-product companies in the Baltic States. The company is the most important supplier of egg products on the Estonian market with the brand EGGO, and the company also selling products in Latvian and Lithuanian markets.
DAVA Foods has firmly established and strong know-how on the manufacture and marketing of egg products. The company produces 85 million eggs per year for the Baltic and Nordic markets.
Biggest farm in Estonia

DAVA Foods Estonia AS
Saha 18
74201 Loo, Harjumaa
T: +372 600 0830
F: +372 600 0838
Vladimir Sapožnin
M: +372 51 26 020
E: vladimir.sapoznin@davafoods.com