Good Health and Well-being
Official UN goal: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Eggs are a nutritional wonder that contain all the nutrients the body needs: protein, minerals, fat and all vitamins except vitamin C. Therefore, eggs have high nutritional value for consumers – wherever they are in life.
- Make healthy living easier for all consumer groups and increase the accessibility to eggs and egg products for all.
- Launch new egg-based product(s) every year to contribute to a healthier lifestyle for consumers.
- Share knowledge about eggs, involve and inspire the consumers to generally eat more eggs and inspire consumers how to replace meat with eggs, for an example, with a yearly magazine or other material and more content in social media, websites etc.
- Launch new egg-based product(s) every year
- Publish material every year educating about, among others, egg’s nutritional value
- Develop meat-free recipe(s) with eggs every month for SoMe to inspire consumers