Quality Education
Official UN goal: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

We contribute to that all children in the nursery school are prepared to go on to primary school. This is done through education by trained teachers in combination with playing and room for interaction between the children. An important component is also that the children are offered a well composed meal that includes eggs.
- Support Victory Nursery School with 100 children 3-6 years old. Ensure that the children are prepared to move on to primary school.
- Provide one well composed meal per day including egg to all 100 children in the school.

The school opened in September 2014. In the photo is Håkan Persson and Victoria, who manage the school on daily basis.

The school offers the children routine, safety, preparation to primary school and a daily meal.

Every day the children are served a well composed meal including eggs!